最近はSolid Edge 2010を使用しています
以前から趣味で3D構造設計することが多く、以前は国産の3D CADを使用していたのですが、さすがに機能低下と海外製3DCADの性能向上が著しく、最近は無償で使えるCADも多いことから、「3d cad フリーソフト」などの検索条件で色々と情報をあさってみた結果・・・・
●個人用 Fusion 360
Fusion 360 のダウンロード | 無償体験版 | オートデスク
オンライン CAD/CAM 設計ソフト Fusion 360 の無償体験版をダウンロードして、製品の設計・開発プロセスを一つにつなげましょう。
●Solid Edge2021 Community Edition
Solid Edge 2021 | Siemens Digital Industries Software – Ingenuity for Life
Open, save and revise data from Teamcenter, Siemens’ powerful PLM solution, with tight integration to ensure your working with the right data, every time. Go from engineering to documentation quickly and seamlessly working directly with Solid Edge 3D models; leveraging the digital twin ensures all changes to the original design are easily incorporated into existing publications.
GrabCAD: Design Community, CAD Library, 3D Printing Software
© 2020 GrabCAD, a STRATASYS solution The Computer-Aided Design (“CAD”) files and all associated content posted to this website are created, uploaded, managed and owned by third party users. Each CAD and any associated text, image or data is in no way sponsored by or affiliated with any company, organization or real-world item, product, or good it may purport to portray.